What’s “in” today may be “out” tomorrow.
Many armchair decorators forget that remodeling rule of thumb, and end up regretting it at resale time.
You’re better off avoiding the latest, greatest paint color fads you see on some home and garden channel, and opting for more subdued colors instead.
The next time you fall head over heels for an exciting new color – bright electric blue, for example – back off a bit. Use the shade for a single wall rather than the entire kitchen. That will make it a lot easier to replace it if and when the color falls out of fashion.
Timeless beats trendy every time. That’s why you’re better off sticking with white and soft gray tones for the kitchen.
I would be happy to help you, as I have more than 2,000 clients, make the right remodeling choices and avoid the “trend trap.”
Register for Jeana’s Kitchen Conversation, a complimentary 45 minute, in-home consultation on how to update, upgrade and increase the usefulness of your kitchen.